2017年2月22日 星期三



After fighting against cancer for 3 years, Our beloved teacher, Yunae Lee, passed away on February 16, 2017 and had eventually relieved from pain forever.

生平 Biography



Tr. Lee was born in Seoul, Korea, studied in high school of Art, then went to Germany to study music when she was 17. Graduated from The Hamburg International College of Music. Soon after, she married Mr. Yang, her Taiwanese classmate in the college of music. She then settled down in Tainan, Taiwan. Tr. Lee had since started her music career giving piano lessons in Tainan Municipal Yongfu Elementary School, Tainan Municipal Dacheng Junior High School, National Tainan Girls Senior High School and Tainan University of Technology for decades. Because of her ability to teach students according to their aptitude, she had harmonious relationship with all of her students, which had lead to the excellence of their performances. The achievements of her students in both exams and competitions rank among the best; Tr. Lee had received countless numbers of prizes and medals. Her contribution in the field of music to Tainan City is truly invaluable.

Besides Tr. Lee's talent in music, she excelled in painting as well. Her paintings are colorful and full of imagination with a style that is one of a kind. She was nominated in plenty of competitions and had also taken part in numerous exhibitions.

However, those whom the gods love die young, Tr. Lee was diagnosed with a rare disease, Appendix Cancer. The sparkling life gradually wither, and finally passed away.

告別禮拜 Funeral


地點:台南市立殯儀館 明德廳



聯繫 Contacts



亦可透過 Email 聯繫:bratschetw@gmail.com (楊國熙)
電話:0938 265985 (楊國熙),0931 237025(長子 楊以宏)

Please contact us through
E-mail: bratschetw@gmail.com (Mr. Yang)
Phone: (886)938 265985  (Mr. Yang)


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